Frequently Asked Questions

How can my family benefit?

Many disability tax credits and deductions are transferable to supporting family members that may result in a tax refund. And if you qualify for the disability tax credit, you also become eligible for many tax credit enhancers.

How long is the process?

Depending on the complexity of the review, the process can take 4-6 months from the start of the review until we receive a decision from the Canada Revenue Agency.

How are your fees calculated?

Our fees are calculated as reasonable percentage of the refunds you (and your family) receive as a result of us identifying, applying, and adjusting for credits you have missed in prior years. No refund, no fees!

Do you provide other services?

Yes. As an affiliate of PooranLaw Corporation, we are able to offer integrated RDSP, tax, trust, and estate planning services. We also provide tax compliance and appeal services for individuals with a disability.

Contact us and get the most out of the benefits you deserve

Complete the form below to get in touch with one of our benefit specialists.
